Shrimp Net 10 cm

Catalogue index: S-A410DI / Art. No.: A410

  • In stock
  • English name:
    • Shrimp net 10cm
  • Art.No.:
    • A410
  • EAN code:
    • 5907708643636
  • Quantity in a box:
    • 1,000


Shrimp Net 10 cm

An aquarium net with a diameter of 10 cm. Essential in any shrimp tank. Suitable for catching aquarium shrimp (Neocaridina, Caridina), including freshly hatched larvae, fry, and fairy shrimp (Triops). The net is an indispensable tool for aquarists who breed or frequently feed fish with live food, especially plankton (daphnia, cyclops). Using the net, you can easily catch the required portion for feeding and then remove any uneaten food from the tank. Handling the net is facilitated by the ergonomic, comfortable-to-hold handle.



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