Rotor Air Pumps

Catalogue index: S-P208HA / Art. No.: P208

  • Temporarily out of stock
  • English name:
    • Rotor pumps VB 2200G
  • Art.No.:
    • P208
  • EAN code:
    • 5907708603401-1
  • Producer:
  • Net weight [kg]:
    • 46.5
  • Quantity in a box:
    • 0


VB-2200G rotator pump



An indispensable condition for the survival of fish in a pond or pond in winter is to maintain adequate oxygenation of the water reservoir and gas exchange .
For the fish to survive, it is important that the water surface is not completely frozen in winter and properly aerated. Additional aeration, also in the summer season, is especially recommended for heavily stocked fish tanks.
In the absence of oxygenation, vegetation dies, silt accumulates at the bottom of the reservoir, ammonification processes, denitrification and the formation of hydrogen sulphide take place. Algae begin to appear on the surface of the reservoir (including blue-green algae that are dangerous to humans and animals). A high level of algal fertilization results in reduced availability of light, which worsens the parameters of water, which becomes less suitable for breeding healthy fish. Adequate aeration ensures their healthy growth and development.

Impeller air pumps are  characterized by high efficiency with low energy consumption . They work evenly without any performance fluctuations. They are intended for continuous operation in all weather conditions, in summer and winter . They are even suitable for large and heavily stocked tanks. None of the pump elements is oiled, so the  air being pressed is clean and completely safe for aquatic life . This is especially important for breeders.
Pompa posiada jedno ujście powietrza, istnieje jednak możliwość podzielenia strumienia powietrza. Wszystkie pompy wyposażone są w rozdzielacz powietrza, który w prosty sposób można podłączyć do wężyków rozprowadzających, a te z kolei do dyfuzorów lub kamieni napowietrzających.



Dane techniczne:

Moc: 2200W
Wydajność: 2100l/min
Waga: 46,5kg, W
Wielkość: 45cm
Ciśnienie: 0,022MPa
Max głębokość tłoczenia pod wodą: 2,2m



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