alawi Puzzle

Catalogue index: S-D202AR / Art. No.: 202A

  • In stock
  • English name:
    • Malawi puzzle tray 1kg
  • Art.No.:
    • 202A
  • EAN code:
    • 5907708605658
  • Producer:
  • Net weight [kg]:
    • 1
  • Quantity in a box:
    • 0


Malawi Puzzle - Small Pieces of Drilled Limestone

Limestone is used for decorating rock aquariums, especially in biotopes with Tanganyika and Malawi cichlids. It allows the creation of beautiful rock compositions that often resemble a reef and marine aquarium, which is why limestone is so popular. Also used as a base for live rock in marine aquariums.
Additionally, it provides excellent hiding spots and offers fish shelter in the form of shade.

Increases water hardness and pH levels.

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